The Canadian-American

Commentary on the state of affairs in North America by a Canadian-American.

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Location: Stafford Springs, Connecticut, United States


New England Republicans: Not Dead Yet

All I have to say is thank goodness. Reports of the demise of my branch of the GOP were greatly exaggerated.

Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) has defeated Mayor Stephen Laffey (R-Cranston). While sometimes branded a RINO and a liberal, Sen. Chafee represents the traditional conservatism New England Republicans are proud to espouse. He has been a consistent voice for defending our natural heritage, promoting fiscal responsibility, defending individual liberty and encouraging a strong yet humble foreign policy. With the debilitating partisan atmosphere which has pervaded Congress for as long as I can remember, Sen. Chafee's common-sense leadership is needed if the Nation is to move forward on many critical issues.

To keep track of Sen. Chafee's contribution to the defense of the GOP majority in Congress, check out


Never Forget: 2001-09-11

Today marks the fifth anniversary since the despicable attacks on our nation and world on 2001-09-11. The consequence of the intervening years makes it seem much longer, yet the sparkling weather experienced throughout the region refreshed my memory. People in North America and throughout the world commemorated the tragic event in many different ways, whether at a candlelight vigil, creating street art or at a rally in support of our troops.

September 11th tested our friendships, including that between the U. S. and Canada. As witnessed by the extraordinary warmth offered by our brothers and sisters in the Maritimes after the FAA shut down U. S. airspace, our friendship passed that test with flying colors. We will never forget the barbarism wrought on our people that morning. Even more, we will never forget Canada's demonstration of brotherhood that day. Deepest thanks, Canada!


Right Round the World

Tonight I've added a new link to the Political Parties section of my Links sidebar. The International Democrat Union is "a working association of over 80 Conservative, Christian Democrat and like minded political parties of the centre and centre right." You can use this excellent resource to keep track of conservative movements throughout the world.

With the first rumblings of another election coming from the United Kingdom, you can monitor their Tories' efforts to regain control of Government for the first time in just under a decade. While as a North American I clearly abstain from any endorsements, party leader David Cameron seems to have a solid platform in place for the next election. One of the Tories' focus areas is addressing the real threat of global warming, which is very impressive (albeit quite appropriate) for a modern conservative political organization. U. K. Prime Minister Tony Blair has been a steadfast ally of North America throughout his tenure. However, a significant change of government would be a sign of a healthy democracy.

While I will continue to support traditional conservatives in every election, no party should develop the sense of entitlement that the mantle "Natural Governing Party" so often fosters. Hopefully my own party will recognize this before this year's general election, as countless reforms can be deferred no longer and it is decades past time for there to be a productive Congress in place. More on this as Election Day in November draws closer.


Crikey! Steve Irwin: 1962 - 2006

"Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin was killed this morning when a stingray struck his heart while filming a documentary in Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Mercifully, he died instantly from this extremely rare attack. His love for culturally-marginalized wildlife and boundless enthusiasm will be sorely missed. Growing up, I always enjoyed watching his programs while traveling (we didn't have extended cable at home) and his expressions ("Crikey," "What a beauty!' etc.) entered our family's lexicon. He was certainly influential in my growing love for the environment and was an inspiration for many others as well. With the fifth anniversary of the 2001-09-11 attacks coming up, his message of solidarity on behalf of the Australian people shortly after the strikes was deeply appreciated.

Of course, deepest condolences should be extended to his loving family and the entire staff of the Australia Zoo and they should be kept in any of our prayers during this difficult time.

CORRECTION: Apparently Irwin did not die instantly from the stingray attack, but had enough time to remove the barb from his chest before ultimately passing on. This was discovered while reviewing the raw documentary film which was recorded yesterday. This has since circulated via the Internet and has stimulated morbid curiosity. Out of respect for the Irwin family, such recordings should not have been distributed unless expressly authorized.