Hussein Executed: Iraq Receives a Measure of Justice

Shortly after 06:00 local time (22:00 EST), Iraq executed their former President Saddam Hussein by hanging at the death chamber in Kazimiyah. A 2.5 cm x 3 m rope and the force of gravity finally delivered a measure of justice to the Iraqi people who have suffered and continue to suffer as a result of his nearly quarter-century of rule. While his sentence was carried out for the 148 victims of the 1982 Dujail massacre, the survivors of his thousands of other victims elsewhere in Iraq, Kuwait and Iran should take comfort that Hussein has finally been brought to account for his heinous actions. Blessed with abundant resources and a rich cultural heritage, Iraq could have been the modern, progressive nation befitting the place which gave us Hammurabi's Code and the basis of Western Civilization. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, from their marshland deltas (which Hussein destroyed) to their sources in the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan, should sparkle as ribbons of prosperity which would be the envy and demonstrate the best of the Islamic world. Instead, Hussein squandered these opportunities in favor of an aggressive and unsuccessful strategy for regional dominance, which Iraq certainly could have achieved through peaceful means.
As an American, Hussein's execution (which I fully support) does not give me any deep sense of satisfaction. The fact remains that Hussein did not pose a direct threat to the United States, was effectively contained by Operations Northern and Southern Watch and any use of Iraqi WMDs on U. S. domestic or foreign interests would be met with a devastating strategic response. On the other hand, Osama bin Laden and his top associates are responsible for the deaths of over 3 000 U. S. citizens in the 2001-09-11 and other terrorist strikes. Our efforts should be focused on bringing bin Laden to justice after his appalling and numerous attacks on our nation and world. While Hussein was clearly among the worst dictators the world has seen, I don't feel passionate enough to pull the lever, especially since Iraq and her neighbors suffered the most from his actions. However, I'd gladly sign up to inject a few dL of justice into bin Laden's veins, as he inflicted mass-murder less than 250 km from where I sit right now. Nevertheless, I fully support coalition forces in their efforts to stabilize both Iraq and Afghanistan, as a sustainable peace depends on their success.
Blessed Eid ul-Adha and may God bless Iraq and North America.
NOTE: Iraqi flag is from the CIA's The World Factbook.